19 TriStar syncro was sold new in Canada.
VW Canada did not sell any TriStar i Canada.
But an mining company did order them direct from VW Germany.
But when they where on way to Canada the company get bankruped and could not buy the cars.
Soo the VW dealers in Canada did now get an order to sell 19 TriStar syncro that was on way to Canada.
On the way one of the TriStar syncro fell off the train soo now was only 18 left.
If you have more information aboute where this 18 TriStar is today please send me an mail and pictures.
I have talk to the guy that order the 19th TriStar that fell off the train.
He bough one of the another 18 TriStar Syncro instead.
He still have his contrakt on the 19th syncro that fell off the train but how know what happen to that car?
This super rare TriStar Syncro have i know aboute in many years but i have promisse to not tell any aboute it.
But now it have change owner and are for sale for 85000 USD
This is one of the 19 TriStar syncro from Canada and has only 48km on the clock.
Here is the story aboute it.
Our little TriStar landed in the hands of Karl at the Toronto VW store.
Karl know a fellow that was really into VW and collecting cars.
Freddy is his name. So Karl phone Freddy and told him what had just arrived.
Freddy popped over to look at it. Freddy had never seen one, but he know it was a rare bird and purchased it that day.
This was back in the fall of 1991.
All of the 48 kilometers that are on it, he says he put maybe 2 of those KMīs
The others were VW
delivery kmīs in Germany and in Canada when it arrived.